Sunday, August 24, 2014

List of Short Forms used in Facebook Chatting

List of Short Forms used in Facebook Chatting 

ASAP: As Soon As Possible 
ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location 
B4: Before 
B4U: Before You 
BRB: Be Right Back 
BTW: By The Way 
B/W: Between 
FYI: For Your Info 
FB: Facebook 
GM: Good Morning 
GN: Good Night 
GNASD: Good Night and Sweet Dreams 
IDK: I don’t Know 
IM: Instant Message 
JK: Just Kidding 
K: Okay 
L8: Late 
LOL: Laugh out Loud
LMAO: Laugh my ass of 
LMFAO: Laugh my f**king ass off 
LMK: Let Me Know 
L8r: Later M/F? : Male or Female? 
Msg: Message 
Pls: Please 
Plz: Please 
PM me: Private Message me (send me a Private Message) 
Ppl: People 
r: are 
SD: Sweet Dreams tht: that 
Thx: Thanks 
Tnx: Thanks 
Txt: Text TY: Thank You 
Ttly: Talk to you later 
u: you ur: your u’ll: you will 
wth: What the hell 
zzz: Sleeping

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